What’s in a Minimalist Kitchen?
So what’s in a minimalist kitchen? Or more importantly, what’s not!? Today, I’ll share with you the guiding principle I used to simplify our kitchen (and keep it that way!) My hope is that you
So what’s in a minimalist kitchen? Or more importantly, what’s not!? Today, I’ll share with you the guiding principle I used to simplify our kitchen (and keep it that way!) My hope is that you
It feels SO GOOD to work in a peaceful kitchen that is simplified, clean and efficient. When our kitchen is under control we cook more, we eat out less and it feels like the whole
Simplifying our clothes is not always easy, but it doesn’t have to be complicated if we understand WHY we are doing it, and HOW to go about it!! So today we’ll share our favorite tip
Welcome to our Minimalist Living Room! For me the term “minimalist” isn’t about a certain number of items or a certain style. For me its become synonymous with peaceful and easy to maintain. The Minimalist
Minimalist Family Home: Come on in! We’re excited to give you a tour of our home and show you what family minimalism (or really simple living) looks like for us. Minimalism has changed our lives
Decluttering is NOT always easy! We get started with really good intentions but then quickly get side-lined by our possessions. What if I paid “good money” for the item or if I’m just not sure