Guest post by Jacquie
If you’ve got some introverts on your gift list and looking for some practical ideas that they would appreciate, here are a few ideas!
1. Books!!! (or a gift card for books)
Now I realize this is probably the most stereotypical introvert gift ever… but really, do you know any introverts who DON’T love books?? (okay, I can think of one person, but that’s it!!)
Everyone has different preferences for what they like to read, but here are a few of my favorites…
Books about being an introvert
The Introvert Advantage (How To Thrive In An Extrovert World)
by Marti Olsen Laney
This book changed my life ten years ago! I didn’t understand why I always felt like I just didn’t fit in with the rest of the world, but after reading this book it all made sense — I don’t need to be fixed, I’m just an introvert and that’s OKAY!!
If you have an introvert on your list who struggles to find their place or doesn’t fit in, this would be a great gift!
Marti Olsen Laney shows introverts how to work with instead of against their temperament to enjoy a well-lived life, with valuable tips for not only surviving but truly thriving in an extrovert world.
The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You
by Holley Gerth
This book is so good!
Holley shares everything you need to know, from brain science to the psychological, relational, and spiritual aspects of being an introvert.
She also reveals exactly what will help you beat your struggles and maximize your strengths so you can live with clarity, courage, and confidence in a world that needs what only you can give!
Fun fact: Holley has a quick What % Introvert are You? quiz that you can take to find out where you fall on the introvert scale — I’m 97% and haven’t found anyone yet who scored higher… typical over-achiever ;) I’d love to hear in the comments what your score is!
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
by Susan Cain
This book goes into even greater depth about introverts and it’s super interesting!
Though may I suggest if your gift recipient is looking for a light read this might not be it (I waded through this while recovering from a major surgery, which I would not recommend…a bit too heavy for convalescing!).
The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
by Elaine N. Aron
Do noise and confusion quickly overwhelm you? Do you have a rich inner life and intense dreams? Did parents or teachers call you “too shy” or “too sensitive”? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
Books About Living with Less
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess
by Jen Hatmaker
This is the first book that first helped me realize that life is better with less stuff, which eventually led me to finding Dawn on YouTube!
7 is the true story of how Jen (along with her husband and her children) took seven months, identified seven areas of excess, and made seven simple choices to fight back against the modern-day diseases of materialism and overindulgence: food, clothes, possessions, media and technology, spending, waste, and stress.
And it’s incredibly entertaining too :)
Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff
by Dana K. White from A Slob Comes Clean
Dana identifies the mind-sets and emotional challenges that make it difficult to declutter. Then she provides workable solutions to break through these struggles and get clutter out — for good!
But more than simply offering strategies, Dana dives deep into how to implement them, no matter the listener’s clutter level or emotional resistance to decluttering. She helps identify procrasticlutter – the stuff that will get done eventually so it doesn’t seem urgent – as well as how to make progress when there’s no time to declutter.
The Clutter Connection: How Your Personality Type Determines Why You Organize the Way You Do
by Cassandra Aarssen from Clutterbug
Discover your unique Organizing Personality Type and strategies for a more productive and clutter-free life!
Cas brings this idea to life by examining the correlation between brain types and how they directly relate to organization and clutter. By determining your Clutterbug style, you can finally setup organizing systems and routines that will stay organized for good. The Clutter Connection smashes the stereotype that some people are “naturally messy” and offers insight and real-life solutions based on your unique, personal organizing style.
The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life
by Joshua Becker
Joshua Becker takes us on a decluttering tour of our own houses and apartments, showing us how to decide what to get rid of and what to keep. He both offers practical guidelines for simplifying our lifestyle at home and addresses underlying issues that contribute to over-accumulation in the first place.
The purpose is not just to create a more inviting living space. It’s also to turn our life’s HQ—our home—into a launching pad for a more fulfilling and productive life in the world!
More Great Books!!
Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts
by Jennie Allen
Jennie inspires and equips us to transform our emotions, our outlook, and even our circumstances by taking control of our thoughts. Our enemy is determined to get in our heads to make us feel helpless, overwhelmed, and incapable of making a difference for the kingdom of God. But when we submit our minds to Christ, the promises and goodness of God flood our lives in remarkable ways!
Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely
by Lysa TerKeurst
If you or anyone you know are grieving rejection or the loss of a friendship, this is the best book to help you through it!! It totally turned my life around for the better :)
Lysa examines the roots of rejection, as well as rejection’s ability to poison relationships from the inside out, including our relationship with God.
Uninvited reminds us we are destined for a love that can never be diminished, tarnished, shaken, or taken a love that does not reject or uninvite.
Get Your Life Back: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad
by John Eldredge
Dawn has been recommending this book for the last few months, so I finally broke down and got it to find out for myself and yep, it’s good!
By practicing a few wonderfully simple practices—or what John calls “graces”—you can begin to recover your soul, disentangle from the tragedies of this broken world, and discover the restorative power of beauty. Watch Dawn and Diana’s discussion about it here on YouTube.
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
by James Clear
This is another book that Dawn keeps talking about, so again, had to find out for myself.
No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving–every day. James Clear, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. Check out Dawn’s discussion about it here!
Love Without Borders: How Bold Faith Opens the Door to Embracing the Unexpected
by Angela Braniff
Love this book about one amazing mama’s journey!
From the founder of This Gathered Nest YouTube channel, an uplifting story of Angela Braniff’s unusual path to becoming the mother to seven (and now eight) children through various methods of adoption and biological approaches, encouraging women and mothers to embrace the unique purpose that God has put in their lives.
Enough about books! I could write a whole book about books, so let’s get on to the rest of it….
2. Consumables
Pick up some of your introvert’s favorite treats — coffee, tea, hot chocolate, wine, chocolate, gourmet snacks…
Sweet & Spicy by Good Earth is amazing! Even if someone is not a big tea drinker, this one is warm and a bit tangy, a safe bet for anyone on your list. You can get it on Amazon, but it’s also available at most Walmarts, Targets & other grocery stores!
And while we’re on the topic of consumables, you can’t go wrong with toilet paper! So why not go all out and wrap each roll individually and make people think you’ve lost your mind …. Not that I’ve ever done that….. okay maybe I’ve done that. But it was back in the day before anyone even knew that TP was cool! Way ahead of my time ;)
3. Fun Socks!
Fairly self-explanatory. Who doesn’t love a cozy pair of fun wool socks? :)
4. House Plants
Everyone needs a good house plant or two! I recommend spider plants because they help clean the air and they’ll survive just fine even if you don’t know anything about plants (soil, sun, water, that’s all you need to know).
Warning: Spider plants are the gift that keeps on giving! These cute baby spiders are sort of like bunnies. They start out cute and innocent, but as soon as they get a little older… bam, plants everywhere! I’ve repotted my spider babies at least 200 times and they just keep producing more!
5. Puzzles
In my opinion, jigsaw puzzles are one of the best introvert activities of all time. If you bring a puzzle to a gathering you can spend hours with people without having to talk much because everyone is focused on the task at hand, which makes socializing in groups much less exhausting. Brilliant!
6. Handwritten Note
Who doesn’t love a meaningful handwritten note?
Tell your friends how much they mean to you and something you appreciate about them.
It’s something they’ll likely value more than anything you could buy with money!
Check out How to Make Someone’s Day for Only $1(ish)!! for some creative ideas :)
7. Anything for Self Care
A gift certificate for a massage is pretty much the best introvert gift ever. There’s only one other person and you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to ;)
You could also get a spa basket, bath bombs, good quality soaps, favorite hair products… I can’t make any Amazon recommendations because I get all mine from a local handmade soap shop, so I’d encourage you to find one in your area to support!
7. Gift basket
Pick a theme and put together a creative gift basket!
Some fun ideas:
- Cupcake Fun
- Stuffed Burger Kit
- Coffee Lover
- Movie Night
- Wine & Cheese
Get the details on how to put these together here!
8. Gift cards 
You can never go wrong with gift cards! In fact, here are 5 reasons why you should give MORE gift cards and some creative ways to give them :)
Now more than ever we need to support our local small business and getting a gift card is a great way to do that!
9. Offer Your Services
What do your introvert friends and family need that you could do for them? My guess is they could use some time alone to recharge!! So figure out a way to help make that happen — offer to watch the kids for a day or whatever make sense for their life situation.
You could also offer other services like cleaning the house or bring a homemade meal?… Help declutter a closet, perhaps??
10. One-on-One Outing
If your introvert’s love language is quality time, plan a day where you’ll go out and do something together, just the two of you!
It doesn’t have to be fancy, even a walk in the forest can be a lot of fun.
11. Take Your House Back Course!
Has the introvert on your list been talking about wanting a clean and clutter-free home?
This Take Your House Back course (by Dawn from The Minimal Mom, Cas from Clutterbug and Dana K. White from A Slob Comes Clean) makes an awesome Christmas gift that they’ll benefit from for years to come! (Great for extroverts too!!)
Dawn, Cas & Dana teach you how to simplify your home with easy decluttering strategies, discovering your organizing style and developing new habits to help you create the clutter-free home you deserve.
Sign up for the waitlist to be notified when registration opens. Gift certificates will be available for the holidays! You’ll also receive a printable certificate so that you have something to wrap!
Have any questions? Email
Well, that should give you all kinds of gifts ideas for the introverts in your life!
Did I miss anything? If you have any other introvert-friendly gift ideas, I’d love to hear about it!
Merry Christmas!
Jacquie is a Virtual Assistant who is the friendly face behind She has successfully survived almost four decades as an introvert in an extroverted world and really, really loves being at home ;)