I love EASY Elf on the Shelf ideas! This is another great one to have on hand if time is short. Plus, the kids LOVE playing with the mustaches afterward. Its always an extra bonus when the Elf on the Shelf Ideas provide entertainment for them as well!
We have a COMPLETE INDEX of Elf on the Shelf ideas?? EVERY Elf on the Find the complete Elf on the Shelf Ideas List HERE!!!Shelf Idea ALL in ONE place!!! It has:
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We, of course, found these stick on mustaches at the Dollar Tree. This isn’t sponsored, we just like being able to offer ideas that everyone can do! I’ve seen the mustaches in different places in different stores, but mostly they’ve been in the toy section. You may also see them located in the party supplies or office/school supplies section. Either way, we hope you can track them down because this Elf on the Shelf idea was SO easy (and fun!).
To print, save or download the printable “We MUSTACHE” sign, click here:
Click HERE to return to the Elf on the Shelf Idea home page for 35 more ideas!
And here is a picture if you want to save this idea: